Lista de libros

Listado de libros recomendados para realizar investigación

  • Branching Out From Sepharad (Brooklyn, NY, 2017) Sarina Roffe 
  • Dicionario Sefaradi de Sobrenomes [Dictionary of Sephardic Surnames] Guilherme Faiguenboim, Paulo 
  • Valadares and Anna Rosa Campagnan (Sao Paolo, Fraiha) (English/Portuguese) 
  • Guidebook for Sephardic and Mizrahi Genealogical Resources in Israel Mathilde Tagger and Yitzchak Kerem (Avotaynu)
  • History of the Jews of Italy Cecil Roth (JPS, Philadelphia, 1946)
  • History of the Jews of the Netherlands Antille. Emmanuel, Isaac Samuel (Cincinnati, American Jewish Archives, 1970) 
  • History of the Jews of Venice Cecil Roth (JPS, Philadelphia, 1930)
  • The Jewish Nation of the Caribbean: The Spanish-Portuguese Jewish Settlements in the Caribbean and the Guianas Mordechai Arbell (Gefen)
  • Sangre Judia (vols. 1 and 2) Pere Bonnin (Flor del Viento) (Spanish)
  • Sephardic Genealogy: Discovering Your Sephardic Ancestors and Their World Jeffrey Malka (Avotaynu) 
  • Les Juifs d’Afrique du Nord: démographie et onomastique, [TheJews of North Africa : Demography and Onomastics] Algeria : 1936. (French) Maurice Eisenbeth 
  • Les noms des Juifs du Maroc: essai d’onomastique Judéo-marocaine [The Surnames of Moroccan Jews: Essay on Judeo-Moroccan Onomastics] Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Instituto Arias B. Montano, 1978. (French) Abraham Laredo
  • Les noms des Juifs de Grèce [Names of the Jews of Greece] Jean and Elie Carasso (éds.), Gordes (France), 1990. Asher Moissis 
  • Les Juifs de Salonique 1492-1943 [The Jews of Thessaloniki] Tarascon (France): 2000, pp.17-64. Elie Carosso (ed.) 
  • The Jews of the Kingdom of Valencia; from Prosecution to Expulsion, 1391-1492 Jerusalem: Magnes Press, the Hebrew University, 1993 (English) Jose Hinojosa Montalvo 
  • L’Histoire des Israélites de Salonique, [The History of the Jews of Thessaloniki] Thessaloniki: 1935-1978. (7 vols. in 6 books) (French) Joseph Nehama 
  • The Sephardic Onomasticon Istanbul: Gözlem, 2004. Baruh Pinto
  • Juifs du Maghreb : Noms de famille et société [Jews of the Maghreb; Surnames and Society] Paris : Cercle de Généalogie Juive, 2004. (French) Jacques Taieb 
  • Histoire de familles; les noms de famille juifs d’Afrique du Nord [History of Families; the Jewish Surnames of North Africa], Jerusalem: 1998. (French) Joseph Toledano
  • Portraits Etched in Stone: Early Jewish Settlers 1682-1841. David De Sola Pool (Columbia University Press, New York, 1953).
  • Sephardi Jewry: A History of the Judeo-Spanish Community, 14th-20th Centuries Berkeley: University of California Press 2000. Aron Rodrigue (with Esther Benbassa)